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Why Does Residential Heating Oil Remain Popular in the Northeast?

March 20, 2024

You may be wondering why so many homeowners continue to use heating oil systems instead of swapping to natural gas or electric heat. However, there are some good reasons why many homeowners stick with fuel oil heat. In fact, according to the United States Energy Information Administration, about 4.96 million U.S. households heated their home with heating oil in the winter of 2022 to 2023. In this article, we'll delve into a few of the reasons why it remains a popular option.

Heating Drafty Old Houses

If you live in an older, drafty house residing in a cold climate, you need a heating system that can keep up with the demand. In our experience, fuel oil furnaces put out more BTUs of heat per hour than most other systems. This makes them well-suited for spaces that are difficult to heat. So, if you feel cold drafts creeping in around old windows and doors on freezing winter days, hot water radiators or forced air furnaces fueled by heating oil may be your best bet.

Needing Less New Infrastructure

Transitioning your house from a residential oil burner to a new heating system would require investing in new equipment and possibly running gas lines or upgrading your electrical panel. That's a costly investment. If your oil furnace and radiators or ductwork are still in good working condition, you can likely keep using them as-is with service from residential heating oil companies. Avoiding a complex, expensive overhaul is understandably appealing for many homeowners.

Keeping What Works Well

There's also the fact that people often simply stick with what they know if it's working well. If your system is doing its job, your money is better spent on other areas of your home that need renovation. Great local residential heating oil providers maintain customer loyalty by offering maintenance contracts, customer service, and other services for repeat business year after year.

At the end of the day, residential heating oil remains a top choice for many homeowners in cold climates simply because it effectively heats challenging old houses without requiring expensive equipment upgrades. It's a familiar and comfortable system that's proven its worth, time and time again. To our experts, in business since 1959, this is why so many still call on residential heating oil providers to keep their houses warm, especially here in the chilly northeast. Reach out to Southbridge Tire & Oil Co today to learn more about using
residential heating oil and how else we could assist you!

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